Monday, April 4, 2011

Theoretic Sketches

Here's a sketch I whipped up to better explain my project to everyone. I didn't have access to a scanner so I had to take a picture of my picture.  This made the colors hard to make out in areas, but the point should still come across. If further explanation is needed, don't be afraid to ask. Be gentle with your judgement. It's no Mona Lisa.


  1. Yay happy fish! Heres a product that you might be interested in for your research.

  2. First off, what a fantastic Happy Fish!

    That tree hanging out there, do you think the roots will eventually be an issue?


  3. Thanks for link Jeremy. That system seems a little overboard and high maintenance for a parking lot, but it's definately a push in the right direction.

  4. Hey Alyssa,
    I'm sure my theoretical tree will be fine. I would just use a small tree species like the ones used in other lots around the campus. The roots shouldn't be an issue as far as I know, but thanks for the concern and curiousity. Happy fish approves of the trees.
