Saturday, April 2, 2011

Grasscrete Pavers

Here's a pretty cool product out there called grasscrete.  I'll have to look into maintenance on this product before I get too attached, but it could be a great idea for lot 'S'. The image was found at


  1. Hey I noticed you were looking into grasscrete pavers. I have this site that you may be interested in it deals with a lot of drainage and there is quite a bit of information on there.

    hope it helps out.

  2. Thanks for link Kyle. Useful site for sure. It's going to be a busy summer narrowing down all of the products out there and making the best combination for lot 'S' at TRU.

  3. Grasscrete pavers are becoming very common in a lot of the local jobs I have been involved with in the City of Kamloops. It is a great tool for sustaining drainage, providing durable ground reinforcement, and erosion control, while maintaing a visually pleasing environment. I have been part of a few designs recently that have used similar products. One of the more recent jobs was the seniors complex in brocklehurst on the corner of Tranquille and Southhill. A grasscrete Ecogrid was used as an emergency access to the rear of the building while sustaining drainage and maintaining aesthetic appeal in that area. Because I am a CAD designer, I will frequently be checking your blog out. Great work.

    Dustin Nagel
    McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd

  4. Thanks Dustin,
    I look forward to bouncing some ideas off you during my research and design process. Thanks again for all of your help.

  5. Bryan,

    Posted this on Jacqui's site a little while back. Vancouver company that works with eco-grid installations.

    Some interesting stuff - and all recycled content.

  6. That's a great product and an extremely informative site. I'll try and get in contact with someone in that company for more information. Thanks for all the help.
