Monday, April 4, 2011

Theoretic Sketches

Here's a sketch I whipped up to better explain my project to everyone. I didn't have access to a scanner so I had to take a picture of my picture.  This made the colors hard to make out in areas, but the point should still come across. If further explanation is needed, don't be afraid to ask. Be gentle with your judgement. It's no Mona Lisa.

Stay Tuned

An abstract outline and some drawings I plan to scan will be up tonight. Thanks for all of the insight and comments. I'm truly greatful.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Thesis Question

Here's my first attempt at a thesis question for my research project.  I encourage honest criticism as this will mold my train of thought for the remainder my research. Thanks!

         What combination of sustainable stormwater drainage methods will allow for the least amount of water to reach the city's drainage system and best suit Thompson Rivers University's parking lot S?

My Research in a Nutshell

A recent post brought to my attention the fact that many people probably don't quite understand what my project is really focusing on. Here it is in a nutshell.  I'm trying to break the mold of just draining the water into the city's drainage system by getting as much of it into the ground as possible.  By recharging the groundwater more vegetation can be grown with natural irrigation creating a more aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly site.  The water runoff that comes from roads and parking lots contains pollutants that can get into our river system if we let it all get to the city's drainage system and can even cause flooding in areas with heavier rainfall.  Through the use of bioretention swales, permeable pavement, treatment ponds, and many other landscaping techniques, this water can mostly be used before it ever gets to the city's drainage system.

Thanks for the interest!

Random Cartoon Break

Here's a funny cartoon I stumbled on. Every now and then you gotta take a break from all of the learning and blogging to have a chuckle.
I found this cartoon at .

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bioretention Swales

Bioretention swales at Evergreen Walk Mall in South Windsor, Connecticut.  These help to slow and treat runoff from parking lots before it gets to the city's stormwater system. This picture was found at

Grasscrete Pavers

Here's a pretty cool product out there called grasscrete.  I'll have to look into maintenance on this product before I get too attached, but it could be a great idea for lot 'S'. The image was found at

View of Lot 'S' from Google Earth

There's a lot to be done here!