Thursday, March 17, 2011

New Topic: Coming to a blog near you!

       In order to aid in my goals of working in the Civil technology field, I have decided to change my research topic to a more Civil specific topic.  My new topic will be storm water management on a site.  The specifics will be released in the form of another proposal and a thesis question once I have discussed the details with John.  Everything should be up before next weekend.  Let the anticipation begin!


  1. Cant wait! Let me know some deatails and I will help you find the information you need!

  2. Hey Brian,

    I know you are looking towards storm water management now. I found a cool site - the Nueva School in Hillsborough California.

    They direct all their roof run-off into channels that then are used as landscaping features. Thought it might be of some use as precedence for your project. It seems the goal is always to get the water off site then underground, why not do something cool with it.

    Hope that helps in some way.


  3. Hey Bryan,

    Now since your looking at storm water management, here's a PDF with guidlines to storm water management in B.C. Hopefully this can help you out!


  4. Hey Bryan,

    I know you were saying about the sustainable communities in your original topic and you wanted to look at different parts of the world. Well, I was wondering if you're looking worldly for this new topic too. Well if so, I found this article about pollution on Australian storm water. Let me know if this helped or not, and if not I'll find something else for you. I just thought this article was fitting from me since I'm going to Australia in 29 days!!

  5. Sorry about the slow response. I was in Seattle when most of these comments were made and had no internet access for 5 days. I'll answer the comments in the order they were posted.

    Rob: I just posted my new proposal which should give you a good idea of what I'm researching. Thanks.

    Warren: That's a great site. The focus of my project is the creation of a sustainable parking lot at TRU so the roof run off won't play much of a factor, but I can try and incorporate some of the ideas into my design. Thanks.

    Arvi: Thanks for the great link! I will definately refer to it often during my concrete conquest.

    Marc: Thanks for the article. I'm focusing on kamloops specifically at the moment, but information from all over the world is definately useable. G'day mate

  6. I also received an email notification that Taryn Bailey posted on this thread, but it didn't show up for some reason. I saw the link and it's quite helpful. Thanks a lot Taryn.
