Sunday, February 6, 2011

Welcome to my passion!

         This is my blog that I've created to keep the world informed of my findings during my research project in ARET 2220.  I will update my blog as much as possible with new found information as well as related videos and pictures that peak my interest and will hopefully encourage others to share my passion for sustainable living.  Feel free to post messages that may help me on my quest for knowledge or post questions that I would be glad to answer to the best of my knowledge.  I'm new to this whole blog concept so as time passes I'm sure the quality of my blog will grow exponentially. 

Thanks for your time and thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. Ive been tying to solve browser issues, whew!
    I can finnaly coment.. I like that you are tackling a big scale issue, it will be interesting to see where this takes you.
